Thursday, November 18, 2010

I promise, I'm still here

It's been a minute since I updated last! Sorry guys; it's just not much has been going on (nothing related to this trip, anyway). In totally unrelated news, one of my favorite bands put out a new CD. They have a new sound, and the concept is really awesome (wooo futuristic themes!), and I must have their CD for the plane ride.

I'm thinking about a name change for this blog. It's just kinda corny, you know? Or at least I think so. But I'm terrible at naming stuff :[

This had a point, I swear. I just don't remember what that point was at the moment.

The second (and final) pre-departure meeting is...sometime before the end of the semester? Seriously, no date has been set. This is worrying me. The architecture kids just had their final meeting this week, but they've had like... 5 meetings spanning the entire semester (they're going to Barcelona). Also, the SA office lady said she would notarize our bank statements, but she just sent me an email asking why my statements weren't notarized. I don't know; maybe because you said you could do it? See what I have to deal with? Okay, no more complaining!

This weekend, I'm having a drop-in/fundraiser 'round Granny's house! There has been much ripping/running/phone calling in preparation for this, I tell you what. And I'll be making the dishes myself (except for the ham biscuits, because Grandma so graciously offered to do those for me, and Aunt Tracy is helping me do waffles), including a streusel apple tart (wooo Belgian food!), so they'll be extra delicious. For those of you who will be there, I'll see you Saturday :]

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